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Finding Nevada’s Greater Sage Grouse

April 27, 2023
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Make the one-of-a-kind Sage Grouse-inspired pendant featured in this video all yours right here.

Nevada Sage Grouse

Welcome to Nevada, one of the most complicated, misunderstood places in the West. I spend just about any and all the time I can out in Nevada’s sagebrush sea, and am excited to invite you along for the ride as we head to northeastern Nevada to observe the Greater Sage Grouse with the Nevada Department of Wildlife. Then, watch along as I make a Song Dog Silver pendant, inspired by the Sage Grouse out in Nevada wild.

Editor’s Note: Sage Grouse image courtesy Olin Feuerbacher/USFWS. Sage Grouse audio captured by Gerrit Vyn.

Finding Nevada Wild YouTube

I’ve carefully studied and recorded all-things-Nevada for the past decade, and I couldn’t be more excited about this new project over on YouTube. Threading together my knowledge of one of the most overlooked places in America, my Song Dog Silver work, and love of Nevada backroads, if you like what you see I’d sure appreciate your subscription. Making this extra click is easy, free, and really helps me keep this whole thing going.

See my YouTube channel and subscribe right here.

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Kestrel Caller

The Kestrel Caller Has Landed

I hereby swear on Nevada backroads to never overload your inboxes, ever. Instead, rely upon Song Dog Silver updates, fresh Legends of Lost Nevada, and sometimes a rare combo of the two.

Do you Know of a Legend of Lost Nevada?

With history and mystery as far and wide as the Sagebrush Sea, there are plenty of Lost Legends out there. Got a story idea you think I should write about?

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