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Finding Jarbidge Wilderness

November 21, 2023
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Make the Jarbidge Wilderness-inspired Royston turquoise pendant all yours, right here.

It’s one of those magic places, Jarbidge Wilderness. Said to be one of the most isolated places in the Lower 48 states by all 16 people who live here, Jarbidge Wilderness beholds Western Shoshone folklore and some of the best Basque arborglyphs in Nevada borders, something like more than 40 different types of wildflower blooms in the spring and summer months, more than seven peaks that soar above 10k feet in elevation, some of Nevada’s best backroads bars, and far beyond. It’s the type of place where, if Nevadans haven’t been here, it’s on their list.

Jarbidge, NV

Even though the Sagebrush State has more ghost towns that open a portal to its frontier, mining-rooted origins just about everywhere you go, there aren’t many that still have a dirt road, false-front building lined main street, and a less-than-20-people population making sure it stays that way. The frontier spirit is strong in Jarbidge, and with a 70-ish mile drive on dirt roads, high-elevation mountain passes required to get there, like most of Nevada’s best places, you really have to want to be here to actually experience it all.

And once you do make it, you’ll be rewarded with one of the most unreal forests in all of Nevada, wild and scenic rivers with a fishing scene almost as legendary as the town, and a whole lot of other people waiting for you on the other end of the bar counter with one shared interest: being here.

Jump in with us to hear more about the many cultural and recreational identities that make up Jarbidge Wilderness, the 20th century gold mining town in the middle of it, and the giant chunk of Royston Turquoise that celebrates it all, made right in the middle of the Jarbidge River Canyon.

Finding Nevada Wild YouTube

I’ve carefully studied and recorded all-things-Nevada for the past decade, and I couldn’t be more excited about this new project over on YouTube. Threading together my knowledge of one of the most overlooked places in America, my Song Dog Silver work, and love of Nevada backroads, if you like what you see I’d sure appreciate your subscription. Making this extra click is easy, free, and really helps me keep this whole thing going.

See my YouTube channel and subscribe right here.

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The Kestrel Caller Has Landed

I hereby swear on Nevada backroads to never overload your inboxes, ever. Instead, rely upon Song Dog Silver updates, fresh Legends of Lost Nevada, and sometimes a rare combo of the two.

Do you Know of a Legend of Lost Nevada?

With history and mystery as far and wide as the Sagebrush Sea, there are plenty of Lost Legends out there. Got a story idea you think I should write about?

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