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Viking Nevada Turquoise Ring


Tree Frog Turquoise Nevada Ring


Royston Nevada Turquoise Ring


Nevada Mystic Sage Ring


Aloe Turquoise Nevada Hat Pin


Nevada Mystic Sage Hat Pin


Owyhee Jasper Sterling Silver Bolo Necklace


Royston Cowboy Toothpick


White Buffalo Cowboy Toothpick


Nevada Turquoise Earrings


Nevada Mystic Sage Fringe Earrings


Royston Turquoise Earrings


Nevada Turquoise Earrings


Royston Nevada Cufflinks


Nevada Bolo Tie


Nevada-Shaped Turquoise Bolo Tie


Mystic Sage Nevada Bolo Tie


Aloe Turquoise Ring


Mystic Sage Ring


Royston Turquoise Ring


Royston Ribbon Turquoise Ring


Royston Nevada Turquoise Ring


Royston Turquoise Scarf Slide


Nevada Turquoise Scarf Slide



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Kestrel Caller

The Kestrel Caller Has Landed

I hereby swear on Nevada backroads to never overload your inboxes, ever. Instead, rely upon Song Dog Silver updates, fresh Legends of Lost Nevada, and sometimes a rare combo of the two.

Do you Know of a Legend of Lost Nevada?

With history and mystery as far and wide as the Sagebrush Sea, there are plenty of Lost Legends out there. Got a story idea you think I should write about?

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